How can I become a member of BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB?
By registering an account with BEZET, you automatically become a member of BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB. Thus, by creating an account in BEZET, you choose marketing and prestigious communication.

What is the BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB loyalty program and what benefits does it offer?
BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB is a loyalty program that allows you to collect points for purchases. These points can be used as virtual currency to receive discounts on future purchases. To learn how to earn and how to use points, visit the"Rewards"(Button in the lower right corner of any page of our site) and click"Redeem Points”.

How are points awarded for purchases?
Points are awarded for each order, 10 points are awarded for each PLN 1 spent. These points can be exchanged for a discount of 100 points = PLN 1.

What is the BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB command program and how can I get points for it?
The BEZET PRESTIGE CLUB command program is a program that gives you the unique opportunity to send your friends a unique registration link in your account on our e page. If your friend signs up via your link and you have not yet had an account on our website, you will receive a promotional code with a discount of PLN 15 upon registration. The discount promotional code will be sent to the email address provided during registration.
But it is not everything! If your friend makes a purchase of at least PLN 60 and uses the promo code received via your link, you will also receive a discount of PLN 15 for subsequent orders.

How to realize the discount code?
Whenever you make a purchase n a, please visit"Ways to redeem"To receive a discount code. This code will be automatically generated on the screen, which must be copied and pasted into the promo code field on the checkout page.

What do the waiting points mean?
Pending points will be active for 20 days to allow for refunds and other contingencies and a refund period.

Can I cancel my rewards if I choose not to use them or accidentally click the Redeem button?
If prizes are not used, they will expire and points will be returned to the balance of points. It should be remembered that this process can take up to 12 hours.

What is the difference between active points and lifetime points?
Active points are the total number of points earned in the last 12 months, which can be redeemed for credits in the points activation section. Lifetime points are the total number of points earned from total expenses since joining the Prestige program.

Where can I check the balance of points?
Simply log into your account and your current points balance will be displayed on the profile dashboard in the PRESTIGE CLUB BEZET section (the button in the lower right corner of any page of the site).

Do my points expire?
Yes, active points expire 12 months after the last purchase.

What should I do if I think my points balance is incorrect?
If you think your points balance is incorrect, please contact our customer service team at


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